Week 2 - Term 1 2022
Ki Ora,
It was wonderful to see all of you over the past few days. If you were unable to come and meet please email me and we can set up another time to chat.
Library will be on a Monday starting week 3, children will be asked to take out two books one for home reading and one for at school.
Swimming will start in week 5.
The gates will be open from 8:30 - 8:45 for drop off. The only gate open after 8:45 will be the Carnot St. gate, this includes during the day. If your child has a sibling in Kakano we will be asking you to pick up at 2:50 this year. Bus students and after-school care will leave then also. Everyone else will be at 3pm. If you are unable to pick up your student on a regular basis at these times I highly recommend Mary-Annes before/after-school programme, there is contact information in the newletter. Students are not supervised after or before school times.
All students will need to wear a mask in class, when we are outside they are not required to wear them. Please label your childs mask if possible. We are asking our tamariki to stay at home if they have any illness, this includes a running nose.
Things to remember for Tuesday:
- Your reading log (if you lost the original just write it on a piece of paper)
- Your Whenua page (will go home if you didn't get one yet)
- Your stationery (I realize that this could be delayed, I have lots until it comes)
- Labeled waterbottle
- Charged Chromebook
- A smile under your labelled facemask
I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
Please contact me if you would like to discuss any of the following. jilld@stmarysrotorua.school.nz
Ngā mihi,
Jill Dinniss
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