Week 5 - Term 1 - 2022

Swimming starts this Monday

Sunday 27th of February 2022 

I'm not too sure where this month has gone, just like the leaves on the trees. Fall has suddenly shown up with cooler nights and stunning days. I hope you are keeping safe, if you find yourself or a family member needing to isolate please let the school know, as we have set up a home learning pack that can be used.

We were able to celebrate Mass together on Friday. I heard lots of comments from children saying it was so cool being outside for this celebration. Father now has the idea that he could have his Easter Mass in the same spot.

This Wednesday starts the season of Lent and Ash Wednesday Liturgies, we will be creating Lenten promises please ask your tamariki what there's are and how you can help them to achieve.

Covid Update: We have had two positive tests in our school this past week. We ask parents that if their child is unwell they must stay home. Ministry of Health Advice is:

What you need to do

  • You and your whānau should watch for symptoms

  • If any develop, get tested immediately

  • Then, stay at home until you receive the result


Symptoms of COVID-19

·   A new or worsening cough

·   Sneezing and runny nose

  • A fever

  • Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste

  • Sore throat

  • Shortness of breath

Less common symptoms include diarrhoea, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, malaise, chest pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, or confusion/irritability.

Please read the COVID updates that are sent out regularly, from the school.

This Weeks Learning

Maths: Place Value-adding 10 and 100. 

Literacy: Writing - we will be working on procedural writing, try cooking with the kids this week, and then as them about the steps that were taken.

                    Structured Literacy - starts up this week, all groups will be starting at different stages and rules.

RE: Making good decisions and identifying times that we can choose to be Holy and good even when others around us are not.



Mondays are our library time, please bring back any books that you need to return.


Your children need to be responsible for their own learning tools BUT they are only kids so some gentle reminders would be helpful. Chromebooks need to be charged at home so that they are ready for use during the day. We need headphones, too. These allow your child to properly hear instructions in online activities and, for those who need it, can be used to block out other classroom distractions during quiet work. 


Swimming starts this week for the next three weeks. The expectation is that all children swim! A note is needed if they are unable to swim, if they don't remember togs they will be given some spare to wear. We will be swimming in the first block so don’t forget your togs, towel and a swimming bag for wet gear.

Swimming Sports 2022

We will be holding our annual Swimming Sports 2022 on Thursday 10th March. This year only Year 4-6 students will be attending. Please click on the link below to ensure we have the correct details for all our students. Swimming Sports Form 

Here are a few photos from the week.

Have a great week,

Mrs. T &  Mrs D


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