
Showing posts from June, 2022

Week 9 - Term 2 - 2022

 Dear Whanau, I hope that you have had a relaxing weekend with your family. James and I attempted to see Matariki up on the hill at my house with hot chocolate but unfortunately, it was overcast.  This is my last week at school for term 2. Jane Trask will be taking the class while I am at home in Canada. A reading log will be going home with the kids this week for the holiday. If Mr. Macmillan doesn't do a draw I will take a lucky boy and girl out for lunch with me. It is so important that we continue to read over the break. We would like to hold a Matariki celebration with Room 14 on Friday. We will be inviting parents to come in and share in our work, and have a piece of toast and coffee from 8:30-10:45. We will also have a shared morning tea with the two classes, if you would like to drop in that would be fantastic. Coming up: Monday - Library please bring back your books, prize for those that do Tuesday -  Wednesday -  Thursday - Kapa haka, Singing, Matariki Cult...

Surprise Visit

 This weekend Mrs. Dinniss's puppies had three students come and visit/play with them. Bourneton, Tristen and Noah had so much fun playing with the puppies. Mrs Dinniss, is ready for them to all find their new homes as they are starting to make trouble. ( sorry Bourneton and Tristen for not getting any photos of you)

Week 8 - Term 2 - 2022

This term has flown by, with a lot of rain - Week 8 already. We had some exciting news on Friday, there will be a production in Term 3. Little Red Rocking Hood. The main characters will be made up of senior students but there are a lot of other parts if children would like to have a role. Mrs. Trask will be working on this in our class in Week 10 while I am away. Last Wednesday, the two ripper teams that I coach placed in the top three at the  Central Bay of Plenty school's tournament. This means that I will be out again on Wednesday as we represent Central Bay at the Bay Wide Ripper Tournament. With the weather the way, it is currently please make sure that kids' gear is labeled. It's hot then cold, they take it off and sometimes lose it. If it's labeled, it's easy to return it to the kids. There has been an awful bug going around school, I am hoping we are through the worst of it as it seems to be worse than covid. Please keep kids at home if they are sick. They c...

Matariki Liturgy

  Matariki Liturgy Today we had our Matariki Liturgy which was led by Kahikatea.   Our opening prayer was  Haere mai We come to this place  of kindness and welcoming We come to worship God We come to welcome God with our prayers and songs We come to think of people who have died  and who shine like stars around us. We come to thank our lucky stars for warm homes, for hearty food and clean water We come to share the starlight of love. We were proud of all our children who did readings and prayers with confidence and courage. The rest of the Kahikatea Team sat and participated in the prayers and songs respectfully.

Week 7 - Term 2 - 2022

  Sunday, June 12 2022 Week 7 Term 2 2022 What a wet and wild weekend. Please know that there is a viral bug going through the school, if your child is unwell please keep them at home. We will have a busy week this week with lots on. I will be testing on Monday with the children and out of the classroom on Wednesday (or Friday) for Ripper Rugby. Have a great week. Young Vinnies Talent Quest The Young Vinnies have finalized the best talent and it will be showcased Monday at 9:15. Good luck to all participants.  Matariki Liturgy On Thursday, we will celebrate the Matariki liturgy. Matariki is an important time in New Zealand, it is the start of the  Māori New Year festival and is marked by the rising of the star cluster Matariki (Pleiades).   This week: Monday: Young Vinnies Talent show 9:15am LIBRARY Tuesday: Interschool Cross Country Wednesday: Ripper Rugby Thursday: Matariki Literacy Friday: Our Learning Literacy: Narratives.   Māori New Year festival marked by...

Week 6 Term 2 2022

  WEEK 6 TERM 2 2022 I hope you are all enjoying the long weekend and the wonderful weather we had Saturday and Sunday. Please remember that tomorrow is a teacher-only day. Last week was action-packed with children viewing the Mother Mary icon in the church and our Year 4 to 6 children celebrating Mass together with the icon and other parishioners We celebrated Pentecost Mass together as a school and weren’t our little readers fantastic. The singing was great too. I know we had a few technical issues with the laptop but the children were great in just carrying on.  During the weekend a large number of our children were Confirmed and made their First Holy Communion.  Our children looked stunning in their special clothes and were very excited on their special day.  We got our cross country completed in between showers on Friday and the team to compete at the Interschools has been selected and notified.  Our Chess team also performed particularly well in Taupo,...

Ko Hāta Maria, te Matua Wahine o te Atua

  Ko Hāta Maria, te Matua Wahine o te Atua Commissioned by NZ Catholic Bishops, it was unveiled and blessed on the Feast of the Assumption in 2021 at St Mary of the Angels Church in Wellington. The artist is Damian Walker from Christchurch: “the painting depicts Mary as a symbol of unity in her universal motherhood, uniting Heaven and Earth in her son, Jesus, the son of God.” The image is framed like a wharenui , with the Holy Spirit above… our ultimate spiritual home is the House of God. Revelation 12:1 “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.” Purity Reflecting the light (Mary is not the Light) Jesus is wearing the very rare kahu kiwi , or kiwi-feathered cloak, to show his unique mana Holding a book –  Jesus as the Eternal Word The design on the cover is based on Bishop Pompallier’s own prayerbook Hand raised in blessing:  two fingers, human and divine three fingers representi...


Congratulations to the children from R12, who received their first communion today. Sorry, Terrance for not having a photo from Friday night.