Week 9 - Term 2 - 2022
Dear Whanau, I hope that you have had a relaxing weekend with your family. James and I attempted to see Matariki up on the hill at my house with hot chocolate but unfortunately, it was overcast. This is my last week at school for term 2. Jane Trask will be taking the class while I am at home in Canada. A reading log will be going home with the kids this week for the holiday. If Mr. Macmillan doesn't do a draw I will take a lucky boy and girl out for lunch with me. It is so important that we continue to read over the break. We would like to hold a Matariki celebration with Room 14 on Friday. We will be inviting parents to come in and share in our work, and have a piece of toast and coffee from 8:30-10:45. We will also have a shared morning tea with the two classes, if you would like to drop in that would be fantastic. Coming up: Monday - Library please bring back your books, prize for those that do Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Kapa haka, Singing, Matariki Cult...