Week 8 - Term 2 - 2022
This term has flown by, with a lot of rain - Week 8 already. We had some exciting news on Friday, there will be a production in Term 3. Little Red Rocking Hood. The main characters will be made up of senior students but there are a lot of other parts if children would like to have a role. Mrs. Trask will be working on this in our class in Week 10 while I am away.
Last Wednesday, the two ripper teams that I coach placed in the top three at the Central Bay of Plenty school's tournament. This means that I will be out again on Wednesday as we represent Central Bay at the Bay Wide Ripper Tournament.
With the weather the way, it is currently please make sure that kids' gear is labeled. It's hot then cold, they take it off and sometimes lose it. If it's labeled, it's easy to return it to the kids.
There has been an awful bug going around school, I am hoping we are through the worst of it as it seems to be worse than covid. Please keep kids at home if they are sick. They can still do math Whizz, writing and reading if they are feeling well enough.
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