Week 8- Term 3 - 2022
Week 8 Term 3 2022
With all the wild weather, I suddenly realised that we are speeding through the term at a rapid rate.
Thank you to those who have sent to school the costumes even better they have all been named. Thank you. If you haven't sent them we will be needing them in by the end of this week please. White shirt (boys and girls) Black pants or dark jeans and skirts that are knee length.
We had an exciting week last week with the stem Makey Makey activities, we are hoping that we will be able to finish up with these on Thursday this week. Please, remember your water bottle each day. Staying hydrated really helps with our learning and our moods. We also have had a lot of kids who have been coming to school with flat computers. Please encourage your children to charge these during the week. We have 3 very busy and exciting weeks ahead. Stay informed - check the blogs and newsletters so you don't miss out.
This Week
Mon: Library
Tue: rehearsal for our dance
Wed: Chess and Lawn Bowls lunchtime clubs, Kapa Haka
Fri: Mini Marathon, Pasifika
Our Learning:
Literacy: we are using our reading books and poetry writing to build our vocabulary. If you come across any new and interesting words, feel free to share them with us. We are going to have a word (or 2) of the day - our challenge will be to use the word of the day when speaking or in our writing.
Mathematics: We are continuing to learn our basic facts (times tables, 100, 10s and 1s, basic addition/subtraction, counting...) and we will be using known facts to solve some word problems.
RE: We are learning about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how we can use these gifts to bring a little bit of God into the world.
Little Red Rocking Hood We are getting pretty excited now. We have set aside a little space for costumes. Please, make sure everything is named and that they are in a bag that is also clearly named. Thanks, heaps!
October 21 2022
Get behind the school and help us reach our goal. This is replacing the Gala Day this year.
How Does My Child Fundraise?
Firstly, go to schoolfunrun.co.nz and create a student profile page. Everything to do with your fundraising revolves around this page. Share the page with family and friends (Facebook, Email or text) and let the fundraising begin. The children can offer to do a chore, help in some way to exchange for sponsorship. The children can have fun watching their page evolve, collect stickers, earn badges and see the leader board.
Students who raise just $10 will be able to choose a prize! The more they raise, the better their reward – you will find the full range in your sponsorship form.
The class who have the most profiles by Friday 16th will receive Juicy’s.
Winners will have the Juicy’s delivered to their class on Monday 20 September.
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