Week 1 - Term 4 - 2022


Sunday, 16 October 2022

Term 4 - Let's Go!

Just a quick reminder to bring your library books and school hat. Your Chromebooks need to be charged and your headphones working please.

 We have an exciting term ahead - are you ready to get started?

Week 1: Colour Fun Run, Year 4 mass on Friday

Week 2: Athletics Day, Rosary, Grandparents day and Andrew Chinn, swimming starts

Week 3: All Saints Day Mass

Week 4: Teacher Only Day, Cricket & Kuhui Ako Kapa Haka

Week 5: Cricket

Week 6: Mystery Trip, Cricket, Assembly

Week 7: Advent liturgy

Week 8: Swimming Sports

Week 9: End of Year Mass and Farewells

See - I told you it was exciting. Make sure you keep checking the class blog and the school notices to make sure you don't miss anything important. 

Our Term 4 Learning

RE: We are learning about what it means to belong to our Church family

Literacy: We are looking at narratives (more accounts of events than Once upon a time)

Maths: We're exploring some statistics and measurement and having a really good review of number knowledge and strategies to cement our earning before the holidays


We are in summer uniform this term. Yes, the mornings can be a little chilly but don't be tempted to layer your children up. The days are getting quite warm, we are running around a lot AND our classroom is thermally heated (we had windows open mid-winter - it's really warm).  Our Uniform Shop is open Mondays (8.30-9.00am), Wednesdays (2.30-3.00pm) & Fridays (8.30-9.00am) during term time. The girls’ summer dresses are currently only available from our school uniform shop. Please don’t forget children need to wear the school sun hats in term 4.

We are swimming this term. Our swimming days are in even weeksYes, we will start swimming next week. Again, the pool is heated to a gorgeous temperature and we go back to a cosy classroom. Bring your togs - it's much nicer in the water than in the cold beside the pool.

Term 4 seems to see kids getting more hungry and thirsty than any other time of the year. Talk to your kid about the fuel they need for learning and make sure they have their water bottle with them. Water bottles are allowed in class during the day - it's so important for health, wellbeing and learning to stay hydrated.

Colour Fun Run

It is the final week to get sponsors. Please continue in getting sponsors.  If you haven’t made a profile yet, there is still time.  We can keep going right to Friday and then the fun will begin. https://schoolfundraising.co.nz/  After the event the children will be able to order their prizes online. Orders need to be done by 31 October.


The organisation of the Day


The Colour Run is finally upon us!! 

The students have done an AMAZING job fundraising and it is now in the final week for getting sponsors.  The colour run will take place this Friday afternoon the 21st of October starting at 1.30 pm


Students must wear old clothes for the run…they will be covered in coloured chalk by the end of it!  (Rest assured it does wash out). Please send a change of clothes and a towel as there will be a water activity. They cannot use their sports uniform or their school uniform when taking part. 


We invite you all to come along and watch the fun unfold!

If you would like to be a parent helper on the day please let Brigitte Holmes know.  

brigitteh@stmarysrotorua.school.nz or text 0272121206.

The PTA helpers will be about but we will need more hands to help with safety, please volunteer if you can. 



Friday, October 28th at 9.30 am 

Join us for Mass with Catholic songwriter and singer, Andrew Chinn leading our singing. We would love to see as many Grandparents/Grandfriends as possible there with us.



We have a Teachers’ Only Day on Monday 7th November. There will be no school for children. If you require after-school care you can ring Maryanne Roling from Glenholme Afterschool Care. Mary Anne’s contact number is 347 0709 or 0211 215599



We intend to have a working bee on the second Saturday after the holidays, October 29th. There are a number of jobs that need to be done. I really appreciate the support we get from you, so thank you in anticipation. Children are welcome and we will have a BBQ lunch.



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