Week 9 - Term 1 - 2022
Sunday, 27 March 2022 Week 9 Term 1 2022 Big News - We are Swimming this week! As many of you know I tested positive on Sunday and wasn't able to be at school. A big thank you to Mrs. Hunter for filling in, she reported that the kids in Room 12 were exceptional and willing to help. I will be away again this week as both of my boys tested positive at the end of the week. I will be involved in a three-day course this week as it was a zoom one anyway. Congratulations to Addison, Louis, Lilly-Maye and Kryee who won our Values Awards l ast week. Shown E xcellence through hard work and perseverance during the whole term. Excellence isn’t about being the best, it's about doing our best. Excellence is having another go when we’ve gone wrong, being honest about our mistakes and learning from them. We’ll be on the lookout for more people showing Excellence at school this week. C. (Courage) R. (Respect) E. (Excellence) W. (???) Wonder is the focus for this week, who is a...