Week 10 - 2022
Week 10 Term 3 2022 - The Sprint for the Finish! Monday : Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth Tuesday : Dress Rehearsals. Please, don't be late - our dress rehearsal starts at 9:30 and we need to have our morning jobs done and be dressed and ready by 9:20. LIbrary There is a Netsafe meeting for parents on Tuesday evening - see info below. It will be held in Room 14 so you'll all know the way. Wednesday: Library Thursday: SHOWTIME! Hair and make up suggestions can be found on the Production site. Make up isn't really needed for the matinee but is an option, for those who want to, for the evening show. Matinee Performance starts at 1pm - there are still a few tickets for this show. We will be having a late lunch so a few extra snacks in the lunchbox to eat while we wait our turn on stage might be a good idea. And please remember your water bottle. Evening show starts at 6pm . The evening show is SOLD OUT! Kids need to be back at school by 5:30 ...